It's been oh-so long time not to write. Even just to check my blog and read the comments, the internet connection around me are fast enough to prevent me for finding blank pages.
Thank you very much for all comments and messages... it's also a big surprise to find my favorite french teacher, Beatrice, drop a message in my shoutbox! Merci beaucoup, Beatrice!
Where have I been so far...
Well, right after arriving at Sukarno-Hatta International Airport at the beginning of May, I fought some bad guys who tried to catch Indonesian Labours coming back from Abu Dhabi... I think it was my biggest fight in public space. I was very angry to see how they ran after 5 Indonesian workers, took control on their trolley and tried to fool those girls to follow them to "special door" for Indonesian labours, where they would be asked for money for nothing but horrible transport service by bus to central java and more money to have their meal on the way, and more money for every other little things...
Those girls were frightened. For them coming back to Indonesia is like a scary war to win, with too many bad guys welcoming them at the airport. And none powerful has ever overcame their problem. At that day, in front of my eyes, I saw illegal porters asked for Rp. 50.000 from each person just to carry their trolley from the ground to the first floor of the airport...
Just the first day back, and it's already so dramatic.
Another story follows. Soon, of course.
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