Once you move on too far, future days are no longer the same...
The previous August was a hard month for me. Many questions about future, and the worse was, I felt unhappy with my job now...
I often say that I'm an ordinary girl who's trapped in busy-lonely days. Hum, yes, still feel like that somehow.
I began August with a bored feeling. I am now a program director of a radio station, aimed for female. I do love the concept, and the idea of being in a female radio, creating the programs, and thinking of what is best for my audiences. I never mind to work overtime, to receive the media order after my working hours, taking place of my announcers when they couldn't come due to any possible reasons...
However, it was tough when I would like to run but none could run as fast as I can. I got some troubles empowering my co-workers... Mr. Kasali said that people's reaction is usually blaming on anybody else for a mistake, but I'd rather be frustrated to think of what have I done wrong when something is not in order.
But, with all problems around, the capabilities of my co-workers, very often I must do the creative concept alone... dur..dur... d'etre une directice...
Another difficult part is, I have other sides of life beside my career in radio. I have a single mother, I still work part time for a local TV station, I am an alumni of youth exchange sponsored by this country, I have a voluntary spirit (and it's my happiness). I must share my days with them too!
Some important moments happened in August.
On 7-12 I was in Jakarta for a national coordination meeting with all representatives from my radio network. We saw the result of on-field survey onducted by AC Nielsen Research Bureau. Very high target of listeners number to strive, and also income target...
However it was fun, for I could share with my friends from other stations on how to conduct better work in my job duty.
I met also some friends for SSEAYP (to know more about that program, just click on "my ship trip"), including an ex-boyfriend, who is now starting his busy days as one of Abang Jakarta... I'm happy for him.
The most fruitful moment of those days was the training from Mr. Andi Roestam, a very senior media marketer, and a motivation I got from a seminar with Mr. Rhenald Kasali.
I got back from Jakarta, and everything seemed normal until I got an accident on my way back from my TV station on August 16. Bloody motorbike rider, he drove crazily and hit me. I got bruising body and painful back and chest.. but at that moment my mom taught me more about forgiveness. The guy who crashed me runaway, but my mom told me to forgive him (hum, what a great mother!)
My Independence Day
17 of August was the anniversary of my country's independence. Ah, last year I was in a village near Switzerland, being the only Indonesian there...
I remembered how busy I was, preparing an Indonesian day, with Indonesian expo, selling bracelet made by the orphans to get donation, cooking Indonesian food for 18 person in the farm, also, a dancing, singing and having a theatrical performance...
BUT, this year, due to that accident, I left many important on-air program, yet I have prepared a SOP. But seemed like people in my office saw me as irresponsible person.. oh lala...I was sick, for God's sake! This negative reaction on my unfortunate moment got me negative sentiment towards my working place. Gotta get thr it tough...
On August 19 I went back to work.. but it was again too hard day for me. Many ads orders, preparation for a national motivation workshop, and I worked again til too late in the evening. The next day, I should be the MC for that seminar, but I couldn't even wake up from my bed. Oh, boy, I should have understood that my body really needed a rest.
12th ASEAN +3 Youth Day Meeting
The next week, on 22-25, there was 12th ASEAN +3 Youth Day Meeting in my town. Outstanding youth from ASEAN+3 (plus China, Korea and Japan) are awarded with ASEAN Youth Award. I decided to leave my job in my office for this event, considering that I owe much to my country that has given me a big opportunity by joining SSEAYP in 2003.
I joined this event as a Liaison Officer, but then turned into MC in many events and secretariat staff, with my BIG (in literal meaning..hahaha...)-best friends, Lutfi and Dimas... and my beloved mom during my journey aroud Asia, Ms. Baby Poernomo... it was good days, feeling like we were back into SSEAYP days, added with funny fact that we should work with photocopies til 3 a.m., hang out in Mc Donald's til 2 a.m., and slept in the penthouse of the hotel, but laid on the floor or chairs... it was my happiest days in August, and I did realize again that my happines laid in voluntary job...
August was concluded with another training from my radio network. But it took place in my hometown. I learned new thing: the balanced score card to manage the programs and budget. Hum, what a smart month!
I found that one day when I have my own company, I'll use balanced score card...
busy month..but as always, I never had ordinary days...
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