Out of My Morning Feelings

Thank God,
For giving me a forgiving heart
That I am willing to expand,
So it will roam to the width of the oceans, as deep as the earth crust
That waves nor eruptions will destroy me,
Dissolved they will be instead,
Standing still I will always be

Thank God,
For giving me the patience
That even a second after I am shouted at
Harassed or humiliated,
I always have the will and the strength to fight in peace
Then forgive and move on

Thank God,
For showing me the beauty of every pieces of clouds
That I always wish for the rain that brings the life
And believe that when I’m lucky enough,
The rainbow will bow in my horizon at a moment in time
So I can always say with smile; “life is not that bad…”

Thank God,
For giving me abundance of willingness
A complete pair of hands, a pair of feet, eyes, ears
To work, to walk, to see and to listen
Then I’m not a blind woman walking in my will
And a mouth that works in harmony with my mind and soul
Then I am not a dumb speaking, or the one numbing with many thoughts

Thank God,
For making me believe that the truth is revealing in any ways possible
That in my hopeless moments I will see,
How much life will always give
How the shed of tears are actually the diamonds want to be…

It’s a matter of time, it’s a matter of time, it’s a matter of time
And you give me chance to see it revealing.
Thank you God,
For loving me, for taking care of me.

Hope I will always be given the time to live and rest in peace, in your cradle of love, in your magical moments, in your miracles, in your beautiful destiny.

Yours faithfully,
A (used to be) Little Girl called Asri Wijayanti